Photo gallery

glass human

A selection of photos from our brand new chamber opera glass human.

A selection of photos from our brand new chamber opera glass human

A newly commissioned chamber opera created by composer Samantha Fernando and sound artist and writer Melanie Wilson explores the experience of loneliness.

Photographer: Richard Hubert Smith

Grace (Anna Cavaliero), Edward (Denver Martin Smith), Oma (Camille Maalawy) and Glyndebourne Tour Orchestra players

Oma (Camille Maalawy) and Grace (Anna Cavaliero)

Grace (Anna Cavaliero)

Edward (Denver Martin Smith), Grace (Anna Cavaliero), Oma (Camille Maalawy) and Glyndebourne Tour Orchestra players

Edward (Denver Martin Smith)

Oma (Camille Maalawy), Edward (Denver Martin Smith) and Grace (Anna Cavaliero)

Oma (Camille Maalawy)

 Oma (Camille Maalawy) and Grace (Anna Cavaliero)

glass human is on stage until 5 December with performances at Glyndebourne, Milton KeynesCanterburyNORWICH, LIVERPOOL and brighton.

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