
An update on Glyndebourne Tour 2020

19 June 2020

Unfortunately the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 has forced us to cancel our visits to our touring venues this year.

To take Glyndebourne productions on tour requires months of planning and rehearsal. This week we reached a vital decision point and, with no clear guidance on when theatres may reopen or when social distancing measures will be removed, have had to accept that there are too many unknowns for us to continue with our plan to bring opera to Liverpool, Canterbury, Norwich, Woking and Milton Keynes this autumn. We have to place the safety of our audiences and artists first.

All affected ticket holders will be contacted by the venue they booked with. Thank you for your patience.

We’re incredibly disappointed and are already making plans for next year’s Tour. An update on autumn performances at Glyndebourne will be shared in mid-July. Until then, don’t miss the free world-class opera we’re offering online this summer – join us every Sunday at 5.00pm for Glyndebourne Open House, our series of classic full-length Glyndebourne productions available for everyone, everywhere. 

With our best wishes to you and your loved ones,

Stephen Langridge
Artistic Director

Last updated 19 June 2020

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