Terms and conditions

Donation terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for donations, including our Gift Aid declaration and Fundraising Promise.

Donation and subscription terms and conditions

  • All membership subscriptions, fees and donations are made to Glyndebourne Productions Limited registered charity number 243877.
  • All contributions are non-refundable.

Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at development@glyndebourne.com

+44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 5.00pm)

Our Fundraising Promise

As part of our commitment to providing you with the highest standards possible, we are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, which is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. We follow the Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and The Fundraising Promise.

We hope that this association will help instil confidence in the way in which we carry out our fundraising.

We’re here to help

At all times we endeavour to provide the best possible experience and highest standards for our supporters across the board. However, we recognise that despite our best endeavours there may be times when we fall short of your expectations.

If you feel that you haven’t received the service you expected, we want to hear about it. Your feedback helps us to improve the ways in which we fundraise and how we communicate our fundraising message and helps to ensure that the matter won’t happen again.

Should you have a complaint about the way in which we fundraise please follow the steps outlined below.

We will always treat your complaint seriously, with respect and in confidence.

Complaint procedure

You may send us your complaint by email:

Or by letter:
Fundraising Complaints
Development Office
New Road

If you are unable to complain in writing for any reason, you may contact the Director of Development by phone on 01273 815 415.


You may make a formal complaint to the Director of Development within 12 weeks of the fundraising incident or communication taking place.

We will try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Whatever the complaint, you may expect us to respond within the following time frames:

  • Emails will be acknowledged within two working days
  • Letters will be acknowledged within five working days
  • Phone calls will be acknowledged within five working days

The Director of Development will raise the matter with the appropriate member of staff, establish a suitable process for the investigation (and where possible the resolution) of the complaint and provide you with an outcome of the investigation within 20 working days of receipt of your complaint.


Where possible the Director of Development will resolve the matter. Where required the Director of Development will escalate it and involve other members of the Senior Management Team to address the complaint as appropriate.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the matter, you should state this in writing to the Managing Director. The Managing Director will review all actions taken with regard to the matter and assess if further action is required.


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the matter you may refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator. This has to be within eight weeks of a final response from us. If you do not raise the matter within this time frame the Fundraising Regulator may not be able to consider your complaint.

You may send your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator using their online complaints form.

Or in writing to:
Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor
CAN Mezzanine Building
49-51 East Road
N1 6AH

If you need advice or are unable to complain in writing for any reason, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator by phone on 0300 999 3407.

If your complaint involves the Director of Development
You may send your complaint by letter addressed to the Managing Director. The Managing Director will follow the same process outlined in stages 1 and 2.

Fundraising Complaints
Managing Director
New Road

Monitoring, evaluation and review

We will keep a record of the nature of the complaint, noting the date received and the date of our response, the name of the person dealing with the complaint, all actions or recommendations arising from the complaint and any lessons learnt to improve our fundraising practice.

All fundraising complaints, their actions and recommendations will be shared with the Senior Management Team every month and with our Trustees annually.

We will also keep a record of the number and nature of fundraising complaints received so that we can complete the Fundraising Regulator’s Annual Complaints Return. No individual will be able to be identified from these records and they do not contain any of your personal information. The Fundraising Regulator will use the data we and other charities submit to them to produce a report on complaints about fundraising received across the sector.


Glyndebourne aims to conduct its business honestly and with integrity at all times. Anyone who has a concern about malpractice is encouraged to raise their concern through our Whistleblowing Policy.

July 2017, this review July 2018

Glyndebourne Productions Limited
Registered No. 358266 England
Glyndebourne is a registered charity No. 243877

Lewes, East Sussex

Gift Aid and tax efficient giving

Gift Aid declarations

Submitting a Gift Aid declaration enables Glyndebourne to reclaim tax on charitable donations at the rate of 25p for every £1 you give.

If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on your subscriptions and/or donations at no extra cost to you.

If you have not already done so, and are eligible to Gift Aid, simply log into your Glyndebourne account and in the My Messages area click Check my Gift Aid Status. Alternatively download and complete the Gift Aid declaration and email it to membership@glyndebourne.com

Am I eligible?

  • To be eligible, what you pay in UK income tax and/or capital gains tax must at least equal the tax that all charities you donate to can claim on your donations in the tax year.
  • Donations from companies are not eligible for Gift Aid.
  • Gifts made from a Charity Account, such as CAF, have already had Gift Aid claimed on them by the account provider, therefore further Gift Aid cannot be claimed.
  • Membership subscriptions must be paid in the name of the Member to eligible

For more details of eligibility please see the HMRC website.

Further questions?

If you have any other queries- for example, you currently Gift Aid your contribution and your circumstances have changed, or if your subscription is paid by someone other than yourself – please contact us:


+44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 5.00pm)

Tax advantages of leaving a gift in your will

A legacy left to a charity is exempt from Inheritance tax.

Depending on the size and complexity of your estate making a gift to Glyndebourne can also help lower the amount of Inheritance tax.

Find out more about the tax implications of leaving a legacy here.

Pay tax in the US?

If you pay tax in the US you can support Glyndebourne tax efficiently. Glyndebourne America Inc is a US based 501(c)(3) public charity organisation which supports Glyndebourne Productions Ltd and its productions in the UK. Contributions to Glyndebourne America Inc are tax deductible for US citizens and taxpayers to the extent permitted by US law.

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