Performances for Schools

Travel grant

Find out how your school can apply for a grant towards transport to our Performances for Schools.

All state-funded schools and colleges that meet the funding criteria are eligible to apply for a grant to help towards the cost of booking transport for a trip to a Glyndebourne Performance for Schools.


  • This fund is open to all state funded schools and colleges
  • Based within a 25 mile radius of Glyndebourne
  • Priority is given to those schools with the highest percentage of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (We use the ‘Get information about schools service’ as our data source to confirm percentage of FSM).

Applications are now closed

Successful schools will be contacted shortly to confirm if they have been successful.

Conditions of grant

By applying for a travel grant, schools agree to supply the following information:

  • A supplier form with your school’s bank details.
  • An invoice or receipt as evidence of the cost of your travel.
  • A completed post-performance feedback form – teacher and pupil – provided by Glyndebourne
  • A post-performance ‘creative response’ which demonstrates the impact of your visit on your students and their study. These could be in any form (pictures, drawings, comments from family members, displays, etc), and tailored very specifically for your group. We only request a sample of work, which should be submitted to us within the month following the performance.
  • If your school is already taking part in Arts Award with Glyndebourne the condition above is fulfilled through that project.

The grants are administered and funded by Glyndebourne Productions Ltd with additional support through Glyndebourne’s New Generation Programme.

Glyndebourne administers these grants to help connect local schools with Glyndebourne through the Learning & Engagement programme. Glyndebourne bears no responsibility for the services provided by external travel providers; schools are responsible for checking appropriate safety standards and liability insurance when using an outside organisation and should follow the guidance at when planning any educational visits.

South Downs National Park Travel Grant
The South Downs National Park Authority offer grants to support schools and colleges with 10% or more pupils eligible for Free School Meals. State-funded Schools and colleges visiting the South Downs National Park area can apply for up to £750 (up to £250 provider and up to £500 transport) towards the costs of a school trip. Find out more here.

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