
Online Project Agreement

Reason for this Agreement

Glyndebourne has developed an online education programme as a way of providing greater access to operatic experiences and extending the reach of our artistic and educational activities. Whether working together face to face or online the safeguarding of all participants remains our priority, alongside the delivery of high quality and enjoyable opera education.

Glyndebourne understands the importance of creating a safe and protective culture for children, young people and staff taking part in projects. We also understand the importance of children and young people being able to use the internet for education and personal development. This includes social media platforms, games and apps. We aim to support children and young people in making use of these in our work. However, we also recognise that safeguards need to be in place to ensure children are kept free from harm at all times.

Due to the differences between the learning environment of face to face workshops and online sessions, we wish to provide guidance and clarify arrangements that will support the successful delivery of high-quality experiences whilst ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding for all pupils.

Arrangements for Online Projects

Glyndebourne will be using Zoom to provide online projects for participants. Zoom is an encrypted system with the appropriate functionality for both 1:1 and group sessions. All sessions and breakout rooms will be supervised by Glyndebourne staff who will be using their emails which will enable activity to be monitored.

Zoom works across a range of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. We recommend using a device with a webcam, (usually inbuilt) and a microphone (again usually inbuilt).

Glyndebourne education staff will be providing support for using Zoom if any participants or parents would like it. We will also signpost to online support (webinars), tutorial videos and FAQs/PDF guides created by our local partner Brighton & Hove Music and Arts.

Project Session Scheduling

  • Workshops will only be set up using a email address. On no account will a member of staff’s personal email address be used to arrange sessions.
  • The meeting ID which enables access to the session must not be shared on any social media platforms or with anyone other than for whom it is intended.
  • Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of children under 14 will be expected to login to the session and be present at the beginning to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  • Participants who are over 14 above may be sent the session log in details by parents/carers at their discretion.
  • Sessions are expected to start and finish at the times confirmed in the invitation.

Expectations of Workshop leaders and project managers

Glyndebourne will follow the same professional guidelines when teaching online as are expected in person. These include:

  • Having an appropriate level of training, knowledge and understanding to be able to provide online experiences to individuals and groups.
  • Providing tuition only when fit and well to do so.
  • Dressing in an appropriate way as expected when working in person.
  • Creating an environment that responds to participants’ needs and supports learning.
  • Teaching in an appropriate space with a neutral background, ideally free from personal possessions or photographs. A living room, dining room or music room is ideal but private or personal spaces such as a bedroom are not suitable.
  • Ensuring that the session is not interrupted by other family members or excessive noise that may disturb the lesson.
  • Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, as in a session that takes place in person.
  • “Locking” the room once all attendees are present to prevent anyone else from joining the lesson.
  • Not using the record facility to record any part of the session unless permission has previously been granted.
  • Terminating a session if there is any inappropriate behaviour or activity that causes safeguarding concerns. Where there are concerns about safeguarding, Glyndebourne staff will inform their
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead in the usual way.
  • Enabling pupils to wait in the “waiting room” before the session so that only those invited to the project can attend.

Expectations of Participants and Parents/Carers

To help participants achieve as much as possible from their sessions, we recommend that participants follow a similar approach to attending workshops in school or at Glyndebourne. We want everyone to achieve as much as possible through this project. To help us do this, please treat it the same as a workshop in school or at Glyndebourne. Please:

  • Participants dressing appropriately e.g. how they may present themselves at school on a non-uniform day. Project leaders reserve the right to terminate sessions if participants are dressed inappropriately ( pyjamas).
  • Finding a suitable space for the lesson which should ideally reflect a workshop/rehearsal environment and is conducive to learning (a bedroom is not considered to be suitable unless suitable screening of the bed is in place). The space should ideally be free from interruption, excessive background noise and anything particularly personal such as family photos.
  • Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of young people under 14 attending the beginning of each session to ensure that the participant is suitably prepared and the equipment is set up correctly. Once the session has started parents/carers or siblings (aged 14+) may choose to be present throughout the lesson or be available to support the delivery of the session if needed.
  • Parents/Carers of young people over 14 being available should they be needed to help with any technical issues.
  • Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of young people under 14 logging out of the session once it has ended.
  • Dress appropriately e.g. how you might dress at school on a non-uniform day.
  • Find a suitable space for the session which should feel like a workshop or rehearsal room. Think about how the space will help you to learn. A bedroom is not ideal, so find another space if at all possible.
  • If you are under 14, you must have a parent, carer or older sibling (14+) with you at the start of each session. They can help you make sure your computer is set up in the right way, and you have everything else that you might need. Once the session has started parents, carers or siblings may choose to be present. If they leave they must be available to give you support if needed.
  • If you are over 14, your parents, carers or older sibling (14+) should be available to give you support if needed.
  • If you are under 14, you must have a parent, carer or older sibling (14+) with you at the end of each session. They can make sure you have everything you need, and help with logging off.

Should you have any questions regarding safeguarding, or to report a concern or incident please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead: Lucy Perry, Head of Education


Please complete the online form to confirm that you have discussed this Online Project Agreement and both participant and parents agree to meet the expectations set out above.

By completing this form, you agree to meet the expectations of the Online Project Agreement.

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