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What you thought of the Poulenc Double Bill

Read a selection of press reviews and audience reactions for our Poulenc Double Bill.

The curtain has now gone up on our poulenc double bill of La Voix humaine and Les Mamelles de Tirésias.

Director Laurent Pelly joins conductor Robin Ticciati for a French double-bill that opens with tragic heartbreak and ends with a riotous, surreal comedy.

Read what the critics and audience had to say about the production.

What the critics are saying

‘Beg, borrow or steal a ticket to Glyndebourne’s Poulenc Double Bill that will first turn you into an emotional wreck then have you laughing all the way home.’

The Times

‘scintillatingly, surreally brilliant’

The Telegraph

‘Pairing Poulenc’s one-acters La Voix Humaine and Les Mamelles de Tirésias allows Laurent Pelly to explore opposite extremes of emotion and desire in this passionate, full-blooded and hilarious staging that is superbly sung and played.’

The Guardian

‘There are some stunning stage spectacles’

Evening Standard

‘Stéphanie d’Oustrac gives us a rare combination of honeyed timbre and immaculate diction in a way that utterly beguiles and never falters – it’s a quite extraordinary feat of singing’


‘everything is meticulously executed, and beautifully barmy. Conductor Robin Ticciati carries the life of the production in his hands, and lightly dictates its gaiety’

London Unattached

Audience reaction

‘It was brilliantly bonkers, and made me think about Opera in a completely different way – loved it! 🌈’

Instagram Comment

Poulenc double bill is on stage until 28 August 2022

Image credits: Poulenc Double Bill, Festival 2022. Photos by Bill Cooper

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