La traviata Teaching Resources

Art and Design Key Stage 4

Starter Activity

First, ask students to write down all the meanings they associate with the colours red and white, e.g. anger, death, purity.  Then, watch the clip and look at the image of Violetta. Ask students to discuss how the change in the colour of her dress affects their opinion of her personality and morality.

Main Activity


  • Ask students to research ‘fallen women’ and Pre- Raphaelite Art; a good place to start is the Tate and the Foundling Museum exhibition
  • Complete an artist research page about William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais or Dante Gabriel Rossetti and ask students to compare the portraits of fallen women with pre-Raphaelite artists’ depictions of idealised, virtuous women. Ask students to consider if these labels still exist today and how this compares to how women are depicted in more recent media campaigns.



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